This week is a Special Edition of the times. Instead of typing out impressions I am instead putting in pictures, lots of them! I hid them in spoiler tags, so feel free to look at the series you watch. There should be some good ones if you want to keep them.
Hunter x Hunter – 05 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=87][/spoiler]
Fate/Zero – 05 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=88][/spoiler]
Guilty Crown – 03 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=89][/spoiler]
Ben-Tou – 04 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=90][/spoiler]
Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai – 04 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=91][/spoiler]

For those who don't watch Gintama.. Yes, this is the title character grabbing onto a dead guys penis, amongst several other penis looking creatures, getting his own penis grabbed by the widow, while falling off a truck.
Gintama – 231 [spoiler]
[nggallery id=92][/spoiler]