If you have noticed that the website is no longer unstable and constantly down, well then you are correct. We have been touting it for a while, but we finally have moved to a brand new server! Actually, not quite… Anivision is officially on the cloud! If you don’t know what cloud computing is I’m not going to take the time to explain it, but you should look it up because it is the future of the internet! We are pretty stoked about it and what it should mean for everyone is that there should be no problems with instability! The server is faster with more ram and storage. Over the process of the next month we will be tweaking it and making a few changes to get everything working at 100%, so if you find anything wrong with the website then let us know and we’ll get on that right away. And yes, I do notice that the banner isn’t rotating anymore~ >_<

If you haven’t heard on the podcast we also started up a Google+ page for Anivision. So if you have a Google+ account come and join us! Check us out here!

With all that said, we will also be working on a new and better Anivision! In January when the new year starts we will be launching a new look with all new features! We have big plans and even bigger ideas for what to do for the fourth incarnation of Anivision.org. If you have any ideas feel free to contact us! We are always interested and enjoy reading feedback from our esteemed visitors. There are lots to look forward to and I hope you guys all enjoy what is to come!

Also on a personal note, you might have noticed I’ve been somewhat absent as of late. I decided to take a vacation from the website and that is now over. You should see some catch up posts in the next few days so I can get back on track doing Fairy Tail, Mirai Nikki, and The Anime Times!