Only 2 retail games to report on in December, but also a surprise appearance by an iOS game. By now, you’re probably 100 hours into Skyrim or maybe you scored a great deal on something from Black Friday, but I know a lot of people have been anticipating the PC game featured in this month’s MGO.

Infinity Blade 2 (1st on iOS)

This game is now available and can be played on the most current iOS devices all the way down to the iPhone 3GS and 3rd-gen iTouch. I really loved the first game as I mentioned in my review, and I’m planning on doing another review this weekend. You know how much this game means to the device when Apple gave it time during the announcement of the newest iPhone; it’s a showcase of iOS graphical prowess.

Mario Kart 7 (4th on 3DS)

The above is a review already given for the game. No surprise that MK is getting good reviews, and it’s good to see that the online is fun.

Star Wars: The Old Republic (20th on PC)

MMO’s just aren’t my thing. Apparently this is a big one, enough for EA to put up some numbers and Activision to respond to those numbers with, “LOL good luck vs. WoW.” We’ll see.