The past couple of years, it seems like quality games were evenly spread out across the calendar year. As I look upon these few April releases and ahead into June, it seems like all that exciting stuff we want to see has fallen back into the Autumn months. This is probably the least exciting MGO I’ve done in the year plus I’ve been compiling these releases.
Kinect Star Wars (3rd on 360)
Lightsaber, ON! Alright, one of Microsoft’s most embarrassing moments of that press conference aside, the review scores aren’t too hot so far.
Devil May Cry Collection (3rd on 360 & PS3)
The standard collection upgrades apply: graphics upgrade, trophies/achievements, etc.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (April 17th on 360 & PC)
This is the debut of the Witcher series on consoles. Since the first game won’t be released on 360, something will be included to explain events of the first game before heading into 2.
Prototype 2 (24th on 360, PS3 & PC)
The game fell a bit victim to releasing the same time as inFamous and much more buzz was on the PS3 exclusive. Prototype was an alright open-world action game from what I played, so maybe this is the month’s most notable release.
The Walking Dead: The Game (30th on PSN, XBLA, Wii, OSX & Windows)
I should be watching this show.
One more thing: c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER! steev recently had the full front page of his posts.