This week the Anivision hosts take a look at the latest Microsoft announcement, discuss rewatching anime, and talk about their gaming strengths and weaknesses.
Quick Hits News
- Dragon’s Crown coming to PS3 & Vita on August 6th
- Devil Survivor 2 slated for July 11th on the 3DS
- Call of Duty: Ghosts listed on Target and Tesco ads, lists a release date of November 5th
- Ratchet & Clank and Heavenly Sword to get movies made
- R&C to cinema, HS direct-to-video
- Microsoft will reveal their next console on May 21st
- You can now order Pizza Hut from your Xbox 360
- Satoru Iwata to assume the role of CEO at Nintendo of America
- Nintendo will not do a large-scale E3 presentation and change overall approach
- Kyoto Animation announces Free! swimming anime for the Summer ‘13 season
- Rewatching Anime
- What titles have we rewatched?
- How many times?
- How do we watch them? (Marathon, Chunks, Single, etc..)
- What is our motivation for rewatching those titles?
- Do you rewatch it in Dub or Sub?
- After following a series on a weekly basis, has rewatching it changed your overall opinion on the series?
- Does the length matter?
- If you are rewatching a Shounen anime, do you skip the filler?
- Will you watch the sequel?
- Right away or break for a while?
- Do you always finish the anime you rewatch?
- Which series have you tried to rewatch, but just couldn’t in the end?
- Gaming Strengths and Weaknesses
- Greg Miller hopelessly trying to learn Injustice, bad teacher or bad student?
- Game types we suck at…
- Game types we are good at..
Shingeki no Kyojin Parodies
- Intro: “Expect” by Page (Gintama)
- Insert: “Assassin’s Creed Revelations Theme”by Lorne Balfe & Jesper Kyd
- Ending: “Henai no Rondo” by Granrodeo (Karneval)
- BGM: Assassin’s Creed Revelations OST