This week the Anivision hosts gather at HQ to do an impromptu discussion about GTA V heists, Ori and the Blind Forest, Destiny, the upcoming spring anime season, and they unleash some new challenges on each other.
- Rock Band 4 in development for PS4 and Xbox One
- Guitar Hero also rumored to be making a comeback
- Best Buy reduces gaming subscription (from $100) to $30
- MGS V giving a release date of September 1st
- Uncharted 4 delayed to Spring 2016
- One Piece given a test run at 8:30 pm Saturdays on Cartoon Network
- Previous week’s Adult Swim ep. will air in this timeslot
- Airs after DBZ Kai at 8 pm
- Challenges:
- Jrow for Xcom: Baccano
- Xcom for Amuro: Fafner in the Azure
- Amuro for steev: Inferno Cop
- steev for Jrow: YouTube Playlist
- ANN Article