2015 New Year’s Resolution
- Did we complete them?
- Jrow: To finish the following: Persona 4 Golden, Halo MC Collection, GTA V, Tales from the Borderlands, Lara Croft Temple of Osiris, Gundam Build Fighters S1
- Xcom: Play through the Metal Gear solid series/ watch space bros
- steev: To only watch anime I plan on finishing.
- Amuro: Play and finish FFXIII-2 and Lightning Returns, Platinum Tales of Xillia
2015 Anime Awards
- Jrow: The “Jrow should’ve watched this” award
- Xcom: Best Wrap-up Anime
- steev: Train Wreck Anime (Anime that started good, but turned into crap)
- Amuro: Best Objectification of Women Award
- Top 5 Best Anime of 2015
- Waifu of 2015 (anime OR game)
2015 Video Games Awards
- Jrow: Being Social – Best Game to Play with Friends
- Xcom: Best “Choose your own adventure” type Game
- steev: Best Game of 2014 (or nah) you played in 2015
- Amuro: Personal Gaming Device MVP
- Top 5 Best Video Games of 2015
2016 New Years Resolution
- Jrow: Watch Tokyo Ghoul/Sequel, Monster Musume, F/SN UBW, Valkyrie Drive Mermaid, get english release of DOA X3, Sherpa a completely fresh group through King’s Fall
- Xcom: Play less Destiny
- steev: Finish MGS5 and Play Black Ops 3 Campaign
- Amuro: Play 13-2 / Lightning returns before FFXV, Play MGS5/Ground Zeroes
- BGM: GATE OST & Gangsta OST (CD2)
- Outro: “Gate” by Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets; (GATE)