The yearly Call of Duty game might be something you’ve come to expect and come to loathe, but as a Call of Duty fanboy I must report on anything new coming out. Black Ops 2 is here and it is something no one expected… Continue reading
New month, new DLC for us Elite subscribers. The new maps are out and I most say, they are the best of the maps. I feel like I am saying that every month, but what I am seeing is a … Continue reading
With a new month marks new content drops for Modern Warfare 3! Check out my impressions on the latest multiplayer map Black Box and two brand new Spec Ops missions, Black Ice and Negotiator! Continue reading
Haven’t done a Playlist in a while! Since the Oscars were yesterday I decided to do one that features Hollywood stars, well kind of in one. They are long vids so I am only including 3, but they are all … Continue reading
Today the 3rd piece of DLC has been added to us Call of Duty Elite subscribers on Xbox 360 and since I did the impressions for the last two maps I figured I’d keep doing them. I’ve got to get the most out of my subscription. The third drop is… Continue reading
If your an elite subscriber on Xbox 360, then the new maps are out now and this is my impressions on them. Before I get started I do want to mention the new… Continue reading
The trailer is out, the information is live, and here is what I learned. Read more to view the trailer and find out about all that is going to change in the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer! Continue reading
If you have been sticking with the latest Call of Duty news you might have heard about a revolutionary new online system that Activision has been touting. It started out with a rumor that Call of Duty was going to … Continue reading
It has been a week since the first map pack for the wildly popular Call of Duty: Black Ops has come out, so the question remains, was it worth the 1200 MS Points? Unlike MW2’s map packs, Treyarch has given … Continue reading