Episodes Chat Extended Rewinds Season Discussion Specials
Tag: DLC

New month, new DLC for us Elite subscribers. The new maps are out and I most say, they are the best of the maps. I feel like I am saying that every month, but what I am seeing is a … Continue reading


With the American release of Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy (the 012 is read duodecim) right around the corner, Square-Enix released Dissidia 012 Prologus: Final Fantasy on the PSN. Does Prologus come with enough stuff to justify the $2.99 price tag? Continue reading


It has been a week since the first map pack for the wildly popular Call of Duty: Black Ops has come out, so the question remains, was it worth the 1200 MS Points? Unlike MW2’s map packs, Treyarch has given … Continue reading


Welcome to Was It Worth It? This editorial will be written by all of us, but you might be wondering what exactly what this editorial is about. Well, think of it as a kind of review, but not your typical … Continue reading
