Unfortunately, what I offer up in this post may be the last bits and pieces of Sekirei ecchi at its finest. Episode 10 packed nothing in the way of nudity, and episode 11 brought what was the shows last bathing … Continue reading
Kannazuki Miyabi is looking for another boy toy to add to her Limiter collection, but Kazuya isn’t having any of it. I mean, who would pass up Brigette for that slut? Continue reading
Episode 2 means round 2 of the Satellizer vs. Genessa duel. Is Kazuya going to mess this one up for Brigette, too? Continue reading
I gotta think that it’s been about half a year since I’ve been anticipating a Freezing anime adaptation. Freezing is an ecchi action series which has some pretty good action and has its rather gruesome moments, as you’ll see in the screenshots. Continue reading
These 3 chapters tie up the mini-arcs involving Shiina/Yukari and the battle with Uzume. Continue reading
Episode 8 If you’re disappointed to read that the Miya scenes are unchanged, than perhaps Hikari and Hibiki can take your mind off the landlord of Izumo Inn. [nggallery id=20] Episode 9 I thought there’d be more with Yashima, so … Continue reading
As I expected last month, episodes 6-7 do not have as much ecchi as what we saw in the last DVD of Sekirei ~PE~. But if you like Homura/Kagari, then you are in great luck. In episode 6, the steam … Continue reading
Episodes 4 and 5 have been released in Volume 3 of Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~ in Japan, and with it comes to much anticipated bathing scene with the 3 girls and Homura. Continue reading
The first two BDs of Sekirei are out. I’ll make an episode 00 post later, but for now we’ll compare the BD version to what we’ve previously seen on TV. Continue reading