Episodes Chat Extended Rewinds Season Discussion Specials
Tag: Zetman

I was shocked that they skipped two more years after episode 3. I wonder if that will be the norm, IE, they will be skipping around when they need. That would be pretty cool, but I don’t think they will … Continue reading


This episode started off really strong. I was pulled into the emotions that Jin was feeling after watching Akemi getting eaten by a monster. Still though, I thought that Jin should’ve been a bit more pissed off after watching her … Continue reading


The second episode of Zetman has aired and I can’t say that I was disappointed. Admittedly, it didn’t meet all my expectations, but I can say that I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was interesting seeing the main characters years later. Konoha really didn’t… Continue reading


Violence and action, is there anything more you need in an anime? Zetman’s first episode has done a good job in setting up the world and the rest of the series. I was disappointed in the edited violence in the first episode. … Continue reading
