Ever say to yourself that you would really like to be a part of a wonderful website and post things about your favorite anime, manga, and games? Well now you can! We at Anivision are looking for a new people to become involved as bloggers and podcast correspondents!
Your job as a blogger is to simply be involved with our website here. You do not have to do all of these, but are requried to do at least one of these:
- Post weekly impressions of currently releasing Anime or Manga
- Write reviews about Anime, Manga, or Video Games that have been completed
- Create your own or find an existing Editorial to blog about
- Find news relevant to our site, i.e. Games, Anime, and Manga, and post about it
As for being a part of our podcast, we currently are not looking for a new full time host, but we are looking for people who are willing to come on from time to time and be a part of the podcast. Whether it is to just fill in for someone who can not be here, to be a part of season previews, or just be involved when we are looking for someone to join us. This however is not a requirement if you want to blog, just a perk of blogging for Anivision.
So you might be asking yourself: What kind of people is Anivision looking for? We do not require people to be experienced bloggers or podcasters at all. Everyone needs some kind of starting point and if Anivision happens to be yours, we will gladly except you. There are only three requirements for applying:
- Dedication: Someone who will post regularly.
- Love: Must share our love for Anime, Manga, and/or Games.
- Enthusiasm: Have fun posting and podcasting with us!
If you think you fit the bill, just apply right below or you can take time and think about it. I also created an Application page that you can select in the Navigation menu anytime you are ready. We are laid back people here and we just want to find someone who is willing to spend time with us and enjoy themselves posting about the things that they enjoy in life. I know a lot of people are viewing the stuff with post and listening to the podcast, so why not get involved?
[contact-form 2 “Apply”]