In this massive special episode the Anivision hosts talk about all the news coming out of this year’s E3 event, including an in depth analysis of each press conference and a discussion of their favorite games, who won E3, and compare the two new consoles.
Part 1: Microsoft Conference
- Multiplatform Games
- Metal Gear Solid 5
- Battlefield 4
- Xbox gets DLC first
- Exclusive Games
- Ryse: Son of Rome (launch title)
- Forza 5 (launch title)
- Killer Instinct (launch title)
- Dead Rising 3 (launch title)
- Sunset Overdrive (2014)
- D4
- Minecraft
- Crimson Dragon
- Quantum Break (2014)
- Project Spark
- Black Tusk IP
- Below
- Halo (2014)
- Titanfall (2014)
- New Xbox 360 Model
- 2 Free Games a month for XBL Gold subscribers (Halo 3 and Assassin’s Creed 2)
- Broadcasting games through Twitch
- Upload Studio
- No more Microsoft Points, Currency
- Launch Date: November 5th
- Price: $500
- Controller’s Trigger’s “feel” can be controlled through the developer
Part 2: Sony Conference
- Grand Theft Auto V PS3 Bundle
- Multiplatform Games
- Dark Souls 2
- Elder Scrolls Online
- Mad Max
- Avalanche Studios
- Open World
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Final Fantasy XV
- Destiny
- Exclusives Games
- Infamous Second Son
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- The Order: 1866
- Final Fantasy XIV (PS4 & PS3)
- Entertainment Features
- Console Revealed
- Price: $400
- No Release Date Set
- No PS4 DRM Restrictions
- PSN+ Required for Multiplayer Gaming
- Gaikai cloud
Part 3: Nintendo, EA, & Ubisoft Conferences
- Nintendo
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS
- Bayonetta 2
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
- Super Mario 3D World
- Mario Kart 8
- EA
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
- Star Wars Battlefront
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Mirror’s Edge
- Ubisoft
- Tom Clancy’s The Division111
Part 4: Discussion
- Favorite game shown at E3?
- Multiplatform
- Exclusive
- Indie/Arcade
- Who is driving the DRM for the Xbox One?
- Do exclusives matter?
- Xbox Live Gold vs. PSN+
- Who won E3?
- Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 Part II
- Has our opinion changed?
- Price comparison?
- Which console will we be getting first?
- Will it be at launch?
- Will you eventually get both?
- Dubstep Mix: Download
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